"Donde esta el Espirtu de Dios, alli hay libertad."
Contact Us
IP Tabernáculo de Liberación y Sanidad Divina
237 Lenox Avenue
New York, NY 10027
(347) 346-8028
Feel free to contact us by phone or visit from the hours of:
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - 7:30PM
Sundays 4:00 PM
Or send us an email.
Join Us
How to get there via
Car: We are located in Manhattan on Lenox Avenue between 121st and 122nd Streets.
Subway: Take the 2 or 3 train to 125th Street Station and walk south on Lenox Avenue between 121st and 122nd Street.
Take the A, C or D train to 125th Street Station and walk east to Lenox Avenue then south between 121st and 122nd Street.
Bus: Take either the M15, M60, M100, M101 and get off on 125th Street and Lenox Avenue. Then walk south on Lenox Avenue between 121st and 122nd Street.
For north or south bound on Lenox Avenue, take either the M7 or M102.